In the following article, please understand that there are examples below which are commonly accepted as ONLY suitable for those over the age of 18!  I recommend you DO NOT read if you are uncomfortable with sexually explicit content and imagery.  I have done my best to ensure that accidental viewing won’t happen by hiding the egregious copy behind links leading to attached PDF files. 

That being said: I have included these, because I firmly believe it is important that we see what is being fed to the children in Alpena County (and most other places). 

We ask, therefore, that you only read the material if you are 18 or older!

/end disclaimer/

The opinions below are that of the author, Jeffrey Dobbs, a guest writer and partner to this movement to restore decency to both the library and our public schools.

Libraries – a brief history.

The library has stood as a pinnacle of learning throughout the better part of human history.  The origin of the concept of libraries dates far back into the BC and goes directly into Biblical times.  The first commonly recognized library as a collection of societally relevant literature – and not a means of governance – by mainstream science & archaeologists is the Library of Ashurbanipal of Nineveh which dates back to 668BC. 

There is little doubt as to the importance of literature in society.  Both young and old have always benefitted from the inclusion of fictional literature (allegorical or not), factual literature, and also fundamental scientific and historical documentation.  This is the primary means in which humanity has shared ideas and knowledge from generation to generation – dating from the advent of the first utilization of written language – many hundreds of years BC.

To be succinct, the importance of libraries is emphatically not being disputed here.  In fact, we are defending it by speaking out against those who are utilizing the “sanctity” of libraries to facilitate the blatant sexualization of our youth, the normalization of obviously unhealthy & harmful advice, and the promulgation of actual mental illness being passed off as “normal” and “healthy”.

First things first!

To understand the mission here, you absolutely need to know what we are talking about.  Below is a list of books, their authors, and a full report of questionable content contained in each.  To ensure that innocent or unwitting eyes do not see them, I have linked the original reports as provided courtesy of

18+ ONLY, please.

Yes! These are ALL free to view to youngsters in your Alpena Public Library (or were, when the library was last checked).

These books are currently being offered freely to any and all young people in the Alpena County George N. Fletcher Public Library.  And, the library’s administration and board are both complicit in blocking attempts to – at the very least – put these books behind the desk.  I will demonstrate that they most assuredly are being guided by outside forces (The American Library Association) to keep these books openly available to the curious mind and open eyes of young teens, pre-teens, and in some cases – children. It is clear, we have been asleep too long and allowed this to transpire right under our noses.

See below:

  • The ALA and their “Library Bill of Rights” states absolutely nothing about protecting innocent minds from destructive texts which should be reserved for adults only. How convenient… 
  • The “Freedom to View Statement” also is being used in a manner which conveys rights upon minors which are reserved for adults. You can succinctly see that even back in 1990, the notion of “diversity for the sake of diversity” was being brought to the fore…
  • It gets worse. The ALA (American Library Association) digs down deep and attacks the credibility of libraries which PROTECT MINORS…  “Libraries should not limit the selection and development of library resources simply because minors will have access to them. A library’s failure to acquire materials on the grounds that minors may be able to access those materials diminishes the credibility of the library in the community and restricts access for all library users.”  Learn more about their philosophies in the “ALA Access for Children and Young Adults” and in “Access to Library Resources and Services for Minors“, both of which are their organizational interpretations of their own “Bill of Rights”.
  • Here is their full statement as published on the Alpena Public Library website

This is unconscionable.  Even – a mainstream source of legal information – agrees that children are not treated the same as adults under the constitution (more on this later).  So, why are we allowing libraries to put them in the same “box” as adults? In addition to the harm this knowledge can do to the psychological growth of the child, this is allowing “benevolent” adults to build a dangerous narrative which allows them to attribute the notion of “consent” to those who are legally unable to provide it for themselves.  And, in the books listed above, there are a few which also propagate this insidious and evil narrative of children consenting to adults…

What can we do??

Instead of allowing ourselves to fall victim to their dishonest & malfeasant gaslighting tactics – we need to encourage good conservative people to be unafraid of the inane rhetoric of “book burning” and other baseless hyperbole and projection which they will invariably use against us. 

Be prepared! They will attack.

These people deserve no “benefit of the doubt” since they do not even stand on their own scientific facts.  Not that they care, they also stand in direct contravention to God’s will. 

We must stand strong!

We must stand strong in the face of evil and wear the armor of God:

“12 For the word of God is lively, and mighty in operation, and sharper than any two-edged sword, and entereth through, even unto the dividing asunder of the soul and the spirit, and of the joints, and the marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts, and the intents of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12 GNV 1599

Ask yourself:

  • Why do we allow such blatant evil to reach the eyes of our children unchecked? Would you allow your 12-year-old to hang out in a Truck Stop porn section? No? Then today’s library might not be suitable for them, either.
  • Where does the library “get off” in thinking their knowledge supersedes both God and the preference of family & parents? As mentioned above – there is no legal foundation allowing free reign of intellectual material when it concerns the 1st Amendment “rights” of children. It is standard legal precedent that we allow children a “safe environment free from child abuse”. Source: Legal Rights of Children  
  • Why is it such a “hyperbolic” request to simply hide these books behind an “adult” guideline? These books hide behind the guise of “education” but, they are openly pornographic and highly inappropriate to their targeted audience. As mentioned above, do we not require adult status to enter into stores & clubs which are overt peddlers of pornographic material?  Why should a library be any different?

Stand up and stop allowing them to have their way! Enough is enough!

Stop allowing weak people to hide behind rights which do not exist, and then gaslight us into believing that we are wrong for speaking and ACTING out! There are mountains of their own studies, articles, and information which demonstrate that they are empirically pushing to normalize things which will harm our children, harm humanity, and harm the individual soul of the person they are victimizing.  All one needs to do is look and see.  If you read between the lines of their propaganda and actions, you can clearly discern they are knowingly doing this to foment their destruction of our Nation, our society, our culture, and most importantly our God!

Here’s what needs to happen:

We must stop this infiltration into our society.  We have allowed this “Trojan Horse” into the minds & souls of our children for far too long.  These materials need to be checked out by ADULTS because the reading material is unequivocally harmful to a young & developing mind, regardless of your beliefs in religion. 

After all, it is “mainstream scientific fact”.  And, we need to follow the science, right?

At the bottom of this article, we are providing a short list of articles and studies which demonstrate that they know precisely how harmful their actions are.  We encourage you to dig as deeply as you can.  The truth is obvious.

We must stop compromising our beliefs. They sure do not compromise theirs.

Why are we allowing exposure to this material? As you see, this material encourages normalization of mental illness (Gender Dysphoria), and encourages the open exploration of animalistic lust.  Think back to your teen years and understand the effect this can have on the inherently imbalanced mind of both pubescent and pre-pubescent teens & children.  These young humans, through no fault of their own, are innately susceptible to the animalistic propensities these books are feeding – owing completely to their incredible hormone surges.  These suggestive narratives discard logic and discipline and replace it with basic lust.  A very dangerous proposition.  It’s no wonder, in following this “logic”, why we have seen disturbing abortion numbers, frightening teen pregnancy rates, and a generation of many “fatherless” children in the last few decades. 

It is clear. This material openly encourages and justifies immoral and dangerous acts. And it is being exposed to children who are not mentally & physically ready to engage in sexual activity.  This puts them at high risk for sexually transmitted disease, unwanted (and unready) pregnancy, the very real danger posed by soliciting sexual information from unseen online strangers, and can lead to emotionally dangerous promiscuity born from this abuse.

All of this is intrinsically in contravention to the pragmatic and typically monogamous nature of humans.  This (lack of) philosophy endangers both the nuclear family as well as the healthy propagation of humanity itself.

If you haven’t noticed, there’s also a new narrative which digs even deeper than “casual sex” lately…

There are countless mainstream secular studies which connotate that Gender Dysphoria is, in fact, a verifiable mental illness.  And there are numerous studies which demonstrate that promiscuity is a factor as both causes and effects of mental illness.  So, why have we allowed this to be pushed forward? Their attempts at the normalization of outright mental illnesses are dangerous to many.  Most notably to those who are actually afflicted.  Instead of encouraging acknowledgment of the illness, and subsequent treatment… We are being taught that feeding into the illness is what is best for them.  It is little wonder that the “transgender movement” is among the highest demographic when it comes to suicide risk. Their risks are being ignored.

It is never a good idea to normalize acceptance of a mental illness as “perfectly normal”.

It is our duty to stand up!

We have a duty as adults to ensure that we work to prevent this spirit of lust from manifesting within the minds of our children.  We need to fight to stop allowing the poisonous grooming of our children and the exposure of their souls to such danger.  We can learn about this type of deception in the Bible by following the lessons of the Church in Revelation.

“20 Notwithstanding, I have a few things against thee, that thou sufferest the woman Jezebel which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to deceive my servants, to make them commit fornication…” Revelation 2:20 GNV 1599

If we allow evil to persist, it will overwhelm us! By allowing the poisoning of our children’s minds, the result will oftentimes be a corrupt mode of thinking which is in contravention to a healthy life, a healthy society, and a healthy growing population.

The Holy Bible is clear on something else – WE MUST FIGHT for the children:

“6 But whosoever shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him, that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” Matthew 18:6 GNV 1599

Keep the tendrils of evil outside of the minds of our children for as long as possible!  We need to be adults and let them be kids.  Free from the current societal paradigm parroting nonsense that these “lustful” interjections in the minds of children is acceptable.  We must instead restore parental rights which allow for each parent decide what is right for their children, as God intended. 

We have tried to “reform” the current library’s way of thinking…

The library has been given space to “repent”.  But they have refused to do so.  The timing is perfect as we are being given an opportunity to affect quick change by removing their funding.  God is handing us a gift!  If the community wishes to have control over the library and the content which is exposed to our children, we must make the simple choice.  We must therefore DEFUND the library by voting NO on the millage on 6 August 2024.

Mainstream studies & articles:

Concerning the effects of “promiscuity” & “casual sex”.

PDF FROM ABOVE: “Book of Charts”

Articles concerning the mental illness of gender dysphoria (they all outline various forms of “treatment” – something which is “normal” does not require “treatment”).  Though, most modern forms of treatment, as you will see, are affirming of the issue rather than attempting to ascertain and treat the root cause.  Either way, I feel you will find this informative – especially if you’ve never looked into this before:



2 Responses

  1. This is great commentary and research. Thank you for your insight and the work you put into this. I wholeheartedly agree with the bottom line: They don’t want God anymore. Do it their own way. Well, we know how that worked out for many nations from a historical perspective: God must judge the sin if it is not repented of; He is giving time to everyone. I pray they will turn before it’s too late! So for now, we need to do what we can, while we can. I hope that this site reaches millions!

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