NE MI League of Conservative Education

We are an issues based organization dedicated to restoring the following to our education system: parental rights, conservative values, America first principles, and local autonomy.

Get Involved!
A photo of the American Flag and the Declaration of Independence. hero_img2



Students currently enrolled in K-12 programs in Michigan


Michigan consistently ranks far below average in National rankings. This must change.

a yellow warning icon

We must assert local control over our boards.

Issues Based

We are an issues based organization. Tell your story, be heard, unite, and let's take back our schools. Our children can't do it so we must do it for them.


The Northeast Michigan League of Conservative Education endeavors to restore traditional & effective education in our schools. We are a Political Action Committee and our goal is to assist communities in restoring the foundation of education back to the the people in their own communities. Local control of education ensures that the values of a local community, are first and foremost in the education of that community's own children. Local control ensures fundamental parental rights.

There is no doubt that the Federal Government and State of Michigan are both inept in their (mis) management of our schools, and that the basic tenets of Public School in the US has long failed our children. There is simply no trust in our education system. Yet we find that local parents are often overwhelmed in the face of dealing with the public school system and their corrupt boards.

Tell your story here. Be heard. Let's work together to support causes that will achieve a goal of every community being in control of the destiny of their child's education. As our founding father's intended.



We can help by recommending causes and candidates you can volunteer your time & talents to.



Let's build a Patriotic community who can support one another at meetings and events. Let's stand together.



Donations help spread the word about our mission, causes & candidates who fight for our children.

Causes & Campaigns We Support

Alpena Public Schools Logo

Alpena Public Schools

School district encompassing all of Alpena County and, parts of Presque Isle County.

Alpena Library Logo

Alpena Public Library

The publicly funded library serving Alpena County.

Child sitting at a desk in a classroom.


Our core belief is that the child must come first. Every child is unique & beautiful. Respect them as they are, and allow kids to be kids. We facilitate action for these beliefs by fostering policy which allows & encourages parents to actively guide their child's education. We also wish to advocate for much more support for teachers instead of blaming them for the bureaucrat jungle that the public school system has become. Oftentimes the teacher is also a victim to the same system which is overwhelming parents. Teachers and parents are partners, and we need to foster this relationship ideal. Learn more about our ideals below...

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Support Public Charter Schools

Charter schools reduce the overreach of State and Federal governments by circumventing their funding and the strings attached to it. We support Public Charter schools because we advocate for empowered parents over an empowered state.

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Support Facilitation of Home Schooling

It is abundantly clear. Bureaucracy does not educate. Good teachers and good parents educate. We need to ensure that parents and teachers are getting all the help they need in order to properly educate the children.

A photo of an empty classroom.

Let's fill our classroom's with great teachers & educated students.

For years the American public has put their trust in a system, and simply not gotten involved. This has started to change in recent years, but there is a monumental amount of work to be done yet.

You can work alone or, you can join us in our fight together. We welcome your involvement, your passion to help Michigan's kids, and even your donations to support our cause.




Michigan children are relying on us to fight!

The clock is ticking. Every day that passes our children are falling further and further behind. Let's get to work! The future of this Nation and our culture of freedom, equality, and the pursuit of happiness hangs in the balance.

A child sitting in a library.


We are working to build so much more than simply another donation funnel to good activists & politicians. Our true aim is to work and build a strong community of Christian Conservative folks who want to stand up NOW and fight for the future of our State & Nation. This generation of children is the future of our nation and it is not too late to stop the agenda that we have allowed to transpire right under our noses.

We believe that a motivated network of concerned citizens from all walks of life will not only ensure we are represented in Lansing by God-fearing, America First legislators, it will ensure we have the local support we all need - where & when we need it most. It is now time to stand together! So, we need folks who see what is happening to be willing to be boots on the ground - as much if not more than monetary donations. We are building a local-first conservative education movement to reclaim our education from the globalists. So having folks who are ready to go and stand side by side with those who need support are of utmost importance. We and are going to be attending school board meetings, rooting out evil in our public libraries, and standing against those who literally are trying to groom this generation of youth into their mold, and not God's.

Learn how you can support our movement below, find events, learn about the stories of your neighbors, and find ways to spread the word! God calls us into action NOW. Let's answer this call. Whatever you can do, we will be happy to have you on our side!

a photo of the logo for the Letter to the American Church Movie.
Watch: Letter to the American Church

This movie is a succinct and accurate summation of where our society is. A MUST watch! Next Local showing is 7/14/24 at Hope Lutheran Church in Hubbard Lake at 6PM! Click below for address: Blog article on library grooming.

In the following article, please understand that there are examples below which are commonly accepted as ONLY suitable for those over the age of 18!

Donation graphic showing donation options of 25/50/100/250/500/1650/3300 dollars.
Help our local movement get off the ground!

We won't grow without help of amazing people like you. We welcome ALL - however you can help: join the community, offer talents, or donate. We appreciate all!


What does "Be a Bonhoeffer" mean? Well, if you aren't familiar with Dietrich Bonhoeffer, we highly recommend looking into the life of this amazingly Godly & passionate man. He gave everything in order to remain true to Jesus Christ in the face of Nazi tyranny leading up to and throughout World War II. He was a Pastor, a theologian, and is best remembered as a Nazi resister who ultimately gave his life because he refused to give in to the propaganda machine that was the Nazi movement in Hitler's Germany.

In our own ways, God is calling us to be a Bonhoeffer. There is nothing more precious to Jesus than the children, and it is on their behalf that we must fight harder than ever before... Just like the hero Bonhoeffer.

Whether or not you can help or if you need help, we are here to do what we can to correct the course of our state's education system. It takes all kinds of people to work together in this fight and it is obvious that it has never been more important to return local control of our schools and restore parental rights!

Give help, receive help!

Reach out, join our community, get help exposing the state of our education system. Let's take control back from the unelected (and elected) bureaucrats and politicians who do nothing to better the lives of our kids.

We are looking to grow our network of concerned citizens to restore conservative, patriotic education principles to our schools. We need to ensure parents are respected and control the course of their own child's education - as God intended.

Ossineke, MI